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  • How can I cancel my reservation?
    2-days before the session starts, please send an E-mail to [].
  • When is the cancel time limit ?
    2-days before the session starts. If the time limit is over, we cannot return your payment, sorry.
  • I don't receive notification mail on device.
    Please confirm that: -Set the e-mail settings receivable. -Check your advertising e-mail folder. -SMS message is not available in our service.
  • How can I transit from invitation link "Join Meeting" to Skype?
    Open the e-mail about online session details. Press the "Join Meeting" link. Select the "Default browser app"(iOS), and transit to Skype. Press the "Open chat" button.
  • Skype application requires Skype account. How can I join the session in guest mode?
    Please delete the cash & cookie from PC/Smartphone, until the screen "Join as a Guest" is indicated.
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